Can You See the Roses?

Imagine a place where you can drink your morning coffee on the porch listening to birds singing their songs while nestled amid the lush green oak trees towering high against the bright summer sun. Practicing mindfulness in a setting like this gives me a deep appreciation of the smallness of myself in the world.
You hear a great deal about changing your mindset these days. Seeing things differently is the goal. Another word for this empowering shift is changing your perspective.
So, while sitting in my porch this morning, I looked down from the dark green landscape ahead of me to see what my cat was gazing at. Upon peering under the table, into my view came three of the most beautiful red roses you would ever want to see! They were stretched upward as if reaching for that summer sunlight to cast blessings down upon them. An aha! moment indeed, for in that instant, I truly understood the meaning of "changing your perspective.” Had I not moved away from my limited view, I would never have seen the splendor of those roses right in front of me!
What are you limiting yourself from seeing? Could you see things differently if you changed your viewpoint?
Sometimes, the simple act of physically moving out of your own way can cause a powerful shift in the vision of what lies ahead of you. If things are not currently as you would like them, rather than trying to change the things around you, try changing where you are amongst them. You may find that the biggest roadblock that you have impeding your vision of the future – is you!